Use your staff to develop website content

Use staff to help develop website content

It is no secret that most of our corporate websites fail to adequately address the needs of their visitors, to say the least. Websites either contain very little useful information or the information is outdated. The task of developing a website can usually be a project to tick off your scorecard. Once done little thought is made on how it will become a living platform that continuously helps website visitors.

Developing website content

Your security personnel, receptionists, salespersons and other staff all encounter different stakeholders throughout the day – family, clients and job seekers. They get to answer different questions posed to them or help clients sort out service and product issues. Your staff are therefore a valuable resource when it comes to developing helpful content for your website, newsletter or other marketing material. They know what the average customers look for when they come into the office or make a phone call. It only makes sense to make full use of that knowledge to help make your website a tool that provides answers and solutions.

One way they can be of help is in your website’s Frequently Asked Questions section. Another place is in your blog. Both an FAQ and a blog are great additions to your corporate website. They can be used to educate your customers on how to use your products or services, 24 hours a day.

Use staff to help develop website content

Your staff, with a little professional help, can help develop how-to articles, videos and illustrations. You may be surprised that some of your younger staff members are already very good at content creation. The FAQs and blogs work best when they answer questions or give directions that your frontline staff are frequently asked by customers or stakeholders. You should therefore consider incentivising your sales staff to develop blog posts, podcasts or vlogs.

Have a winning online strategy

Gone are the days when the task of developing content for your website rested on your marketing team or IT specialists alone. Make full use of all your staff members to help make your website a useful tool that provides answers and solutions.

Every staff member can contribute to the success of your online strategy.